Redefining Healthy Eating: The Influence of the Microbiome on Nutritional Recommendations

Explore the importance of the gut microbiome and redefine the concept of healthy eating through the lens of nutritional microbiology.

Objectives: In this comprehensive lecture, you will gain an in-depth understanding of what the gut microbiome is and its essential functions in human health. We will address how various dietary components impact the microbiome, subsequently affecting overall well-being. Additionally, you will also learn how current dietary guidelines intersect with microbiome health. The session will conclude with a discussion on how the field of nutritional microbiology could revolutionize our approach to healthy eating, emphasizing evidence-based insights into diet-microbiome interactions and their influence on human health.

Influence of the Microbiome on Nutritional Recommendations
Pre-recorded lecture: Instantly accessible upon purchase for convenient viewing at your own pace.
English, Spanish and Portuguese (CC) Closed Captions available.*
🇪🇸 Subtítulos disponibles en español.
🇧🇷 Legendas disponíveis em português.
69 minutes
$39 USD
Credit Card, PayPal
(Available globally)**

U.S. and International

$39 USD

U.S. Dollar



R$199 BRL

Real Brasileiro



Anissa Armet

Anissa Armet, RD

PhD Candidate
Nutrition and Metabolism
Division of Human Nutrition
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

University of Alberta

Anissa Armet is a Registered Dietitian and PhD candidate in Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. Anissa completed her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Sciences with distinction and an Integrated Dietetic Internship from the University of Alberta in 2018. Anissa has been the recipient of numerous awards for her academic excellence, research potential, and volunteering and teaching commitments.

Anissa’s research focuses on understanding the effects of targeted nutritional strategies on the gut microbiome and human health and whether the gut microbiome can be used to predict responses to dietary interventions. Anissa has authored several peer-reviewed publications, including highly impactful reviews on topics such as healthy eating in light of the microbiome and casual claims of the role of the microbiome in disease. Being equally passionate about knowledge translation, Anissa also co-authored an award-winning, evidence-based cookbook for patients with cancer to help increase their protein intake to improve muscle health.

Certificate NutriBaz Academy


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" This lecture truly opened my eyes to the importance of the microbiome and the urgent need to update our dietary guidelines. Learning from someone directly involved in the research was a completely different experience. I can't recommend it enough. I've already watched it multiple times and am looking forward to exploring the other lectures and topics. "

Chris A.

*Closed Captioning Notice: We offer Closed Captioning (CC) in select lectures, including translations into additional languages. Please note that these captions are generated by artificial intelligence and may contain inaccuracies or not fully convey the original meaning. While we strive for accuracy, we encourage users to approach the captions with an understanding of these potential limitations.

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