Dietitians at the Frontline: Tackling Hospital Malnutrition

Understand the essential role of dietitians in understanding, assessing, and managing malnutrition in hospital settings.

Objectives: This lecture focuses on the complex challenge of malnutrition in hospital settings. You will gain an understanding of various factors contributing to malnutrition, and acquire insights into patient perspectives on muscle health and nutrition. Successful dietitian- and clinician-led initiatives enhancing nutritional care are highlighted, along with the procedures for nutritional screening, assessment, and intervention. Moreover, you will learn innovative strategies to lead or join initiatives aimed at improving nutrition care. Overall, this lecture offers a practical guide for healthcare professionals aiming to better patient outcomes.

Tackling Hospital Malnutrition
Pre-recorded lecture: Instantly accessible upon purchase for convenient viewing at your own pace.
English, Spanish and Portuguese (CC) Closed Captions available.*
🇪🇸 Subtítulos disponibles en español.
🇧🇷 Legendas disponíveis em português.
51 minutes
$39 USD
Credit Card, PayPal
(Available globally)**

U.S. and International

$39 USD

U.S. Dollar



R$199 BRL

Real Brasileiro



Dr. Katherine Ford

Dr. Katherine Ford, PhD MSc RD

CIHR Health System Impact Postdoctoral Fellow
Mitacs Elevate Fellow
Canadian Nutrition Society/Société Canadienne de nutrition
Nutrition & Aging Lab, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences

University of Waterloo

Dr. Katherine Ford is a Registered Dietitian and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Health System Impact Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Waterloo. She also holds a Mitacs Elevate Fellowship in conjunction with the Canadian Nutrition Society.

During her fellowship, Katherine is supporting the Canadian Malnutrition Taskforce with integrating a malnutrition care standard in Canadian hospitals.

Katherine’s PhD work at the University of Alberta investigated the determinants of protein intake and the role of a high protein diet in maintaining muscle mass during chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer.

Katherine utilizes her experience as Dietitian to bring a clinical perspective to her research and is interested in better understanding the impact of nutritional assessment and interventions on patient-oriented outcomes and how to spread and scale effective interventions.

Certificate NutriBaz Academy


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*Closed Captioning Notice: We offer Closed Captioning (CC) in select lectures, including translations into additional languages. Please note that these captions are generated by artificial intelligence and may contain inaccuracies or not fully convey the original meaning. While we strive for accuracy, we encourage users to approach the captions with an understanding of these potential limitations.

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