Body Composition Assessment in Pediatrics

Explore the crucial topic of body composition assessment in pediatrics, where you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of its importance, unique aspects, and the leading techniques utilized in today's healthcare landscape.

Objective: To provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities associated with body composition in children and adolescents. It highlights the significance of body composition assessment in these age groups, examines their unique characteristics, and explains the different techniques used, such as Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), and Air-Displacement Plethysmography. Upon completion of this lecture, you should grasp the importance of body composition assessment in pediatrics, understand these techniques, their limitations, and when they are best used.

Body Composition Assessment in Pediatrics
Pre-recorded lecture: Instantly accessible upon purchase for convenient viewing at your own pace.
English and Spanish (CC) Closed Captions available.*
🇪🇸 Subtítulos disponibles en español.
50 minutes
$39 USD
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$39 USD

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Camila E. Orsso

Camila E. Orsso, MSc

Doctoral Researcher
Mitacs Accelerate Fellow
Division of Human Nutrition
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science

University of Alberta

Camila Orsso is a dedicated doctoral student currently enrolled in the Nutrition and Metabolism program at the University of Alberta. Building on her prior academic achievements, Camila holds a master's degree from the same program at the University of Alberta, and a bachelor's degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil.

Throughout her academic and professional journey, Camila has focused her efforts on improving individuals' physical activity and nutrition behaviors to promote optimal body composition, health, and overall well-being. Her research endeavors have primarily centered around evaluating body composition abnormalities and their impact on health across various age groups and clinical populations. During her master's studies, Camila delved into exploring the reliability and precision of body composition techniques, as well as the associations between body composition abnormalities and cardiometabolic health in children and adolescents.

As Camila continues her pursuit of knowledge and expertise in her doctoral studies, her primary objective is to develop a framework that facilitates multimodal interventions targeting body composition and chronic disease risk factors. An innovative aspect of her research lies in the delivery of these interventions remotely, aiming to enhance accessibility and effectiveness.

Camila's remarkable academic and research accomplishments are reflected in her extensive publication record, comprising over 30 manuscripts. She has also been an active participant in numerous local, national, and international conferences, where she has shared her research findings. Furthermore, Camila's dedication and potential have been recognized through the receipt of several competitive scholarships and awards, which have provided invaluable support for her ongoing research training.

Camila's interests outside of academia include working out and hanging out with her loved ones.

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*Closed Captioning Notice: We offer Closed Captioning (CC) in select lectures, including translations into additional languages. Please note that these captions are generated by artificial intelligence and may contain inaccuracies or not fully convey the original meaning. While we strive for accuracy, we encourage users to approach the captions with an understanding of these potential limitations.

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